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The cost of sponsoring a child through the Haiti Education Fund is $20/mo OR A ONE-TIME GIFT OF $175, which provides the student with a Faith-based education for the entire academic year, uniforms, learning materials, a backpack, hot lunch each day and covers administrative fees.


Cost: More than 90 percent of Haiti’s 15,200 primary schools are privately managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), churches, communities and for‐profit operators. In Haiti education is not guaranteed and is oftentimes  considered too expensive for a population where 78% live on less than $2 USD a day.


Low enrollment: Primary school enrollment is roughly 85%. Less than 22% of children move on from primary to secondary education. One-third of girls over the age of six in Haiti do not attend school. The average Haitian, age 25 years or older, has less than 5 years of schooling.


Poor literacy rates: A U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) early grade reading assessment revealed that roughly 75% of children at the end of first grade and nearly half of students finishing second grade could not read a single word. Further, only 61% of the adult population is literate.


Shortage of qualified teachers: Half of public sector teachers in Haiti lack basic qualifications and almost 80% of teachers have not received any pre‐service training. According to UNICEF, only 15% of teachers at the primary level have basic teacher qualifications (including university degrees), and nearly 25% have never attended secondary school. 

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